General Terms and Conditions 


For the sale of products and services: organization and realization of social eventstalks, seminars, lectures, meditation events, concerts, workshops and similar events aimed at relaxation, reconditioning and personal development. 


Definition of basic terms 


The Seller and the operator of the website is the company, s. r. o., with its registered office at Prešovská cesta 47, 040 22 Košice, Slovak Republic, ID No.: 51 135 949, VAT No.: 2120602033, registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court of Košice, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 42392/V.    


The supplier of products and services offered on the website is the company, s. r. o., with registered office at Prešovská cesta 47, 040 22 Košice, Slovak Republic, ID No.: 51 135 949, VAT No.: 2120602033, registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court of Košice, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 42392/V.    


The buyer or orderer (orderer) is every visitor of the website who has created an order or registration on this website via the website Products and services means all products and services published on the website    


An order is created by confirming the ordering or registration process on the website, the selection of products and services by the purchaser, including the complete completion of the order or registration form. The Buyer fully acknowledges electronic communication, in particular via the website, email communication as well as telephone communication. 


Subject matter and conclusion of the contract 


The subject of the sales contract is the sale of products and the provision of services – in person (in person) in the form of face-to-face group meetings or in the form of online meetings via the respective video and audio transmission platforms. As regards the provision of services, these are social events: talks, seminars, lectures, meditation events, concerts, workshops and similar events aimed at relaxation, recuperation and personal development.    


The confirmation of the order or the issuance of an invoice or ticket by the Seller creates a contract of sale, which may be amended, cancelled or supplemented only by mutual agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, unless otherwise provided by law or other legal regulation. By sending an order, the Buyer is bound to pay the purchase price of the ordered product and service.    


By concluding the Purchase Contract, the Buyer confirms that he/she has read these Terms and Conditions and that he/she expressly agrees to them. The Seller confirms that it will provide the Buyer with the products and services within the agreed scope. The Buyer shall be notified of these terms and conditions sufficiently in advance of the actual placing of the order and shall have the opportunity to acquaint himself thoroughly with them. These terms and conditions form an integral part of the concluded purchase contract. 


Order and registration 


An order is created by confirming the ordering or registration process on the website by selecting products and services by the buyer, including the complete completion of the order or registration form. For the correct processing of the order, it is necessary to fill in the required data in the order or registration form and choose the payment options for the ordered product or service. Sign-ups are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign-ups, transfers or cancellations will be received electronically (by e-mail) or in writing (by post). Each application or completed and submitted order or registration form is considered binding.   


Once the order has been sent, an invoice is issued and delivered to the ordering party. The invoice is sent to the e-mail address indicated in the order or registration form. 




The company, s. r. o. is not subject to VAT. All prices quoted on the website are final. The buyer is bound by the purchase price indicated on the website at the moment of purchase (order) or registration. 


Payment terms and payment options 


After completing the order or registration, the buyer is obliged to make payment to complete the order. Payment for products and services can be made in the following ways: 


      – payment by bank transfer to a bank account (the bank account number will be provided in the invoice or in the payment document),    


      immediate payment via ThePay payment gateway,     


      recurring payments for access to the membership section (recurring membership fee). 


Basic concepts 


The Seller is the company, s. r. o., with its registered office at Prešovská cesta 47, 040 22 Košice, Slovak Republic, ID No.: 51 135 949, VAT No.: 2120602033, registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court of Košice, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 42392/V.   


The Buyer or the Ordering Party (Orderer) is any natural or legal person who purchases products or any services supplied by the Seller through the website    


Product means any goods sold by the Seller (at the purchase price indicated in the order or registration form or on the invoice). 


Service means a one-off payment of the price of admission to a social event: a talk, seminar, lecture, meditation event, concert, workshop and similar events aimed at relaxation, reconditioning and personal development (at the purchase price indicated in the order or registration form, invoice or ticket), either by personal participation (in person) in the form of personal group meetings or by online transmission via the relevant online video and audio transmission platforms. Service also means payment of the purchase price as a subscription fee for access to the memberssection (at the purchase price indicated in the order or registration form or on the invoice issued).    


Recurring payments means payments for services purchased repeatedly as part of a membership renewal, which are automatically charged to the purchaser’s credit card.. 


Recurring payment rules 


Recurring payment rules are communicated to the buyer in the service order or in the order confirmation email and invoice for the purchased service related to the payment of the membership fee. By paying the membership fee by credit card, the customer gives consent to authorize the card used for automatic renewal of the next membership and recurring payments for the ordered services (membership) in the following periods, depending on the period that is indicated for the service. The buyer’s consent to recurring payments (payment of the relevant membership fee) lasts for the duration of the service used or until the recurring payments (membership) are terminated at the customer’s request. The amount automatically charged and the period of recurring payments correspond to the price and period of the purchased service. If the parameters of the service are changed (e.g. tariff type, tariff period, etc.), the recurring payment parameters (service price and payment period) will also be automatically changed accordingly.    


After the period of the subscription (membership) period has expired, the payment (the relevant membership fee) will be automatically charged to the purchaser’s payment card on the following day. The buyer will be informed of this fact by an information e-mail, which will include an invoice for the ordered (repeated) service.    


In the event of unsuccessful debiting of the payment (membership renewal fee) from the Buyer’s payment card, an e-mail will be sent to the Buyer informing that the payment of the recurring payment has not been made. In this information e-mail, the Buyer will also receive information and instructions on how to proceed in this situation, how to pay the invoice in a different way if desired, in order to avoid an unexpected limitation of service (termination of membership access). Subsequently, the Buyer may also authorise another payment card that has been used so far for recurring payments (e.g. when the original payment card expires, etc.). The Buyer may terminate recurring payments at any time by contacting the website operator, at the following e-mail address: Recurring payments are technically secured by the payment gateway ThePay, operated by, s.r.o., which provides secure online payment processing technology. All payment data is processed using the encrypted channel of, s.r.o. 


Delivery conditions 


The Seller is obliged to deliver the agreed products and services – to hold the event in question with the possibility of personal participation of the Buyer or to provide the possibility of online transmission of the event via the relevant online platforms for video and audio transmission, depending on the type of product and service purchased in the order, on the agreed date or on another alternative date. If the service is purchased by means of an online video and audio transmission via the respective platforms, an information e-mail will be sent to the buyer at the e-mail address provided in the order when purchasing the service or during registration. The e-mail in question will contain a link with the location (web address) of the broadcast of the purchased online event, if necessary also a login name, password as well as other instructions necessary to log in for the proper use and enjoyment of the purchased service, at the latest two days before the event itself. The place of performance of the service shall be deemed to be the place from which the service is delivered. 


Changes in event dates 


The right to change the date of the event is reserved. The Seller also reserves the right to make changes to the programme subject to organisational conditions. Such changes include, for example, the implementation of the provided activity, which depends on the minimum number of participants, etc. However, the Buyer must be informed of all facts (changes) in advance within a reasonable period of time (at least two days prior to the planned event) by an information e-mail sent to the Buyer, which was specified in the order when purchasing the service or when registering, so that the Seller allows the Buyer to sufficiently exercise all rights and benefits from the purchased service in accordance with the concluded purchase contract. 




The Buyer acknowledges that the delivered products and services are intellectual property and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights belonging to, s.r.o. or its business and cooperation partners. No intellectual property rights are transferred between the Seller and the Buyer by the Purchase Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed, the Buyer has the right to use the products and services purchased by him exclusively as an end user, for his own needs, in the manner resulting from the nature and purpose of the product and service. Nor may they be copied, reproduced, disclosed to a third party, published or otherwise distributed in any form or by any means without written permission. 


Buyer’s right to withdraw from the purchase contract 


The relevant provisions of the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic shall apply to the withdrawal from the contract. Pursuant to Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or the Provision of Services under a Distance Contract or a Contract Concluded Outside the Seller’s Premises and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, pursuant to the provisions of Section 7(1)(a), (b) and (c), the Buyer shall have the right to withdraw from the Purchase Contract without stating a reason within 14 calendar days from the date of the conclusion of the Purchase Contract.    


Withdrawal from the concluded purchase contract can be made electronically, on the basis of an e-mail sent by the buyer, to the e-mail address:, or by post to the address of the seller’s registered office, by sending a Declaration of Withdrawal from the concluded purchase contract concluded at a distance, in accordance with the sample form below. The Buyer will be refunded the purchase price paid no later than 14 days after the valid withdrawal from the contract, to the bank account of the Buyer, which must be indicated in the said Declaration of Withdrawal from the concluded distance purchase contract. 




(please fill in and send this form as a template electronically or by post, only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) 


Addressed to:, s. r. o., Prešovská cesta 47, 040 22 Košice, Slovak Republic, ID: 51 135 949, e-mail: 


– I/we hereby notify* that I/we withdraw* from the contract for the sale of goods* / provision of services*: (please specify what this is about)    


Date of order:    


Name and surname of consumer(s)*:    


Address of consumer(s)*:    


– Bank account number for reimbursement of the purchase price paid:    


Signature of consumer(s)*:  (only if this form is submitted in paper form)    




* Strike out those that are not applicable 




A complaint about a purchased product or service must always contain a specific and factual description and the reason for the complaint. In the case of a product complaint, the product complained of must be sent to the address of the Seller’s registered office. In the case of a service complaint, the complaint can be made electronically, by sending an e-mail by the Buyer to the e-mail address:, within 14 days from the date of delivery of the purchased service. The Seller of the products or the service provider undertakes to notify the result of the complaint within 30 days from the date of the complaint by the Buyer. In the case of a justified and acknowledged complaint, the Seller and the Buyer shall individually agree on the replacement of the product or service complained about or on the further procedure. 


Compensation for damages in case of non-acceptance of the service 


The Seller shall be entitled to compensation for damages (pursuant to § 420 et seq. of the Civil Code) in the event that the Buyer has ordered a product or service which he has not serviced and at the same time has not paid the agreed purchase price for the same. By doing so, the buyer has violated his obligation as stated in the section Payment terms and payment options, according to which the buyer is obliged to pay the agreed purchase price. 


When determining the amount of compensation, the Seller shall take into account in particular the administration of the order, as well as all other costs incurred in the implementation of the order in question, and shall also be entitled to charge for lost profits. The Seller shall also have the option of not claiming or only partially claiming the right to compensation. 


Warranty conditions 


The standard warranty period is two years. However, the warranty conditions depend on the type of product sold and on the type of buyer, whether the buyer is a natural, non-business person (consumer) or a natural and legal business person.    


This type of service is not covered by the warranty conditions. 


Final provisions 


When purchasing the service – in-person attendance at an event or online attendance, via the relevant online video and audio streaming platforms, the buyer (event attendee) may be offered the opportunity to submit (ask) a question, which may, but need not, be answered by the seller, the event organiser or any other person at the event in question. However, the Seller or the organiser (promoter) of the events in question reserves the right not to answer any question asked by the Buyer or the event participant during the event, whether for capacity or any other unspecified reasons. Advice, tips, opinions and any information obtained at events conducted by us through in-person attendance or through online video and audio streaming platforms, or those obtained from products and services purchased, are not a substitute for professional qualified medical advice, treatment or examination, nor are they a substitute for the work of qualified professionals and health care professionals. In the event that you follow the advice, tips, opinions and any information obtained at events conducted by us, products and services offered by us, which is your guaranteed right under the Constitution,, s.r.o. shall not be liable for your actions, conduct and practices and therefore assumes no legal or medical liability for you. 


The Seller reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions without prior notice to the Buyer. In the event of a change to the General Terms and Conditions, the entire process of purchase of products and services shall be governed by those General Terms and Conditions that were in force at the time of the Buyer’s order and which were published on the Seller’s website. By submitting an order, the Buyer confirms that he/she has read the General Terms and Conditions and agrees to their wording in full.    


These general terms and conditions are published on the website    


Otherwise not regulated relations in these general terms and conditions, as well as in their integral parts (annexes) are governed by the relevant provisions, in particular Act No. 185/2015 Coll., Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Act No. 250/2007 Coll., Act No. 102/2014 Coll., Act No. 18/2018 Coll., Act No. 22/2004 Coll., Act No. 513/1991 Coll., as well as other relevant legislation in force in the country of the Seller’s registered office.    


These general terms and conditions come into force and effect on 08.07.2023.    


In Košice, on 08.07.2023 



Ronald Csorba 

Managing Director, s. r. o.