…only Love is real...

…I feel a strong call to help "seekers"...

I was born into this life in May 1978 in Košice, Slovakia. My civil name is Ronald and they call me Rony. I didn’t really fit into this system from a very young age, it was especially evident in kindergarten and later also in school. According to those who understand it, I am said to be an indigo child who came here to help bring about the change that is so necessary in this current world. Although, according to my deeper perception, any division is unimportant, as we are all essentially equal and come from one, the same Source. 

During my life as a person, I have been through a lot, both ups and downs. In my working life, I was a workaholic for a long time, I was engaged in various activities. I was a businessman, an economist, a consultant, an organizer of social events and much more. I also feel abundance in the material part of life, which is why I am also helpful to those who have made it very far in the material world, but still lack something. They feel that they are missing something. Something that only the material world and the ego cannot give them… 

Although being itself spoke to me in its depth and essence several times throughout my life, I date my initial awareness of “something else”, deeper, to the year 2006. It was then, mainly due to the influence of my surroundings at the time, that I got to my first course, which I took. It was a Reiki course. Later, I also attended various other courses and seminars. My life started to change little by little. A deep liberation and shift occurred for me when I freed myself from all the knowledge, techniques and procedures I had acquired in various courses and seminars. Paradoxically, that’s when pure Love began to flow from the Source itself.

...my "fall" followed...

Due to the influence of not the most pleasant life events at that time, my “fall” followed. My life at that time began to fall apart. I subconsciously felt that it couldn’t go on like this, and that’s when my real awakening happened. It was in the month of June 2010, when on vacation on the island of Crete, I got my hands on a wonderful book, Love is Born in You by Louise Hay. That’s when I realized so much, everything started to fit together. I began to yearn for self-realization. It was a period like cut out of a movie. 

During this period, I devoted myself intensively to getting to know myself. Not knowing yourself as a person, but as a being, your natural, true essence. It has become a part of my daily life. On this “journey” I was accompanied by many teachers, masters, and gurus. However, the biggest mark left on me initially was the aforementioned Louise L. Hay, Shakti Gawain, Ester and Jerry Hicks, and later the great spiritual master Osho, who was the only one for me for a long time. Also Don Miguel Ruiz, Tina Turner, Eckhart Tolle, Sri Ramana Maharsi, Sri Papaji. I “personally” visited several realized beings such as Mother Meera, where I had a large number of Darshans. I also “personally” attended two Darshans with Master Sri Swami Vishwananda. Beautiful and loving beings from Bohemia also have their place in my heart, such as Zdeňka Pohlreich, Jaroslav Dušek, Jiří Ledvinka, Marcelka from the mountains – whom I also met “in person” several times. I named those who left the biggest transformational changes on my being as Guides on my journey and dedicate a separate section to them on this website. 

Literally with God’s help, I was the founder of the Center of Health „JOY“ in Košice, Slovakia, where from time to time I myself led courses, healing events and meditations, in the spirit of what awareness I was in at that time. 

Since my awakening, I have felt a strong call to help “seekers”, but of course not only them. Whatever else I do, this perception is still present in the background of my being there…

...my "next infinite shift" - to Love, to God, to Truth, to the Universe, to Unity, to the very Source - that is, to myself...

My “next infinite shift” to Love, to God, to Truth, to the Universe, to Unity, to the Source itself – which of course resides in us and we can call it whatever we want, and at the same time a deep awakening in self-awareness occurred for me at the time when Life brought me to the beloved, loving Master Mooji. 

And then… And then Jiří Ledvinka came into my life under very interesting circumstances. Thanks to him, I freed myself from the limitations I still had. 

I will gladly share what I have received from life, awareness and knowledge with anyone who shows interest in it, with whom it resonates, who it brought to these pages, who feels a strong call for change, for Freedom, Truth and Love … 🙂

May only Love accompany us all on our journey, to the Truth itself, to the knowledge of ourselves, our real and true essence. 

With endless love and gratitude, from the heart 

Rony 🙂

....just simply be and be happy...