If you're tired of playing mind games over and over again...

Discussions, conversations, seminars on self-awareness, inner transformation, abundance, joy flowing from within, inner strength, the path to oneself and to one's inner self, guidance inward, sitting in silence, transformative meetings full of Love...

If you are tired of playing mind games over and over again… 

If you are tired of looking for happiness in the outside world… 

If you have already tried what ever and still feel confused… 

If you feel moments of euphoria, real life and joy only after taking alcohol, various intoxicants, or other drugs or sex… 

If you really think that you will be happy only if you find the perfect partner or change the partner you are currently with to your own image, you will find your missing half, your soul mate, your twin flame, you will get married, you will earn a lot of money, you will get this or that, fame and recognition from others… 

If you are strongly religious, spiritual, practice countless different spiritual practices, techniques and still feel that it is not the right thing, that the right thing is yet to come… 

If you have completed many different seminars, courses, trainings, workshops, motivational sessions, healing, therapies, you have read an enormous number of books, visited spiritual teachers, gurus, various strong vibrational places and you still feel lost, have a lot of confusion, you are looking for your way, the real Truth… 

If you try to think positively or not think at all, if you consider yourself a spiritual person, an esoteric, but you still feel that something is missing, that it is still not the right thing… 

Or if you’re always just in your mind and you’re hearing or reading about something like that for the first time now…

...return to the natural state, return to the present, harmonizing events, transformational meetings in Love....

It does not matter if you have a religious foundation, whether you recognize any religion, or you are without faith. No matter which path you are on, what you believe in, or what you practice. Also, it does not matter at what stage of life you are in, experiencing momentary happiness, or, on the contrary, feeling unhappy, or seemingly happy, love, disappointment with love, or bitter. Whether you are rich or poor in material possessions. You have many problems, you are stressed, sick, disgusted, tired of life, depressed by the outside world, you have mood swings. Everything, including the weather, is bothering you. Or you feel burnout or feel like you have a heart made of stone.

Depending on how the Source of Life itself will manifest itself at that time, that is the atmosphere in which this whole meeting will take place. In our deepest essence, we are all one, we are from the same Source, we are pure Love, and the purpose of these events is to remind ourselves of this, to point out, to direct attention to the Source and Divinity within us. The appropriate atmosphere created for this is like a fire that ignites everything that is near it.

It doesn’t matter if you are religious, i.e. you recognize any religion, or you have no religion… 

It also doesn’t matter what path you are currently on, what you believe in, what you practice… 

It also doesn’t matter what phase of life you are in at the moment, whether you are experiencing momentary happiness, success, fame or, on the contrary, you feel unhappy, whether you are seemingly happily in love, disappointed in love, bitter… 

Whether you are rich or poor in the outside world… 

Whether you have endless problems, are stressed, sick, disgusted, tired of life, depressed by the outside world, confused in your mind, have mood swings. Everything, including the weather, bothers you… 

Are you feeling burnt out, feeling like you have a heart of stone…

There is something that can help you immediately, something that can be recognized within you, within your being, in your heart, in your true and real essence. Where you can be directed, quite simply – by shifting your attention from the outer world to your inner self, to your heart, to the silence, to the very Source within us. Which is very powerfully healing on all levels, which will also change your view of the outside world, which will change you yourself, which will bring peace, harmony, joy, abundance into your life on all levels. What will subsequently change your everyday life… You can now be a part of it.

This is not a classic seminar, course, workshop, lecture, discussion. The Truth and Love that lies within, in the heart of every human being is like a possibility that is there for everyone. This is what these transformative events are all about… 

So it doesn’t matter if you’re reading or hearing about something like this for the first time, or if you’ve been experienced in the field for a long time… 

Everyone is welcome at these meetings, with whom it resonates… 🙂

...discover the Divinity within you...